Bhagvat Ramnath Dhesale and Dr. Umesh Dattatray Kamble
The research paper is based on one of the most ever viewed television programs ‘Game of Thrones’ that examines, to what extent ‘Game of Thrones' informs or resists Neoliberalism. The proposed research Farmwork tries to confirm elements of mainstream pop culture and the promotion of the ideology. It also determines how narrative-driven television is utilized to challenge established ideologies and determine the kind of messaging that could be embraced by Game of Thrones' vast audience. The slightly broadened topic undertakes a content analysis to investigate the hidden content of the show's plot and focuses on attention is on the series' discussions of power, wealth, and class, not on all the ways that neoliberalism can be present. This essay concludes that while Game of Thrones can critique neoliberalism, it is unable to offer an alternative to the society it critiques. In many ways, the conclusion of Game of Thrones, which proposes a counterargument against neoliberalism, runs counter to the very objections it raised. From here, it is determined that even though the Game of Thrones story does not match the neoliberal discourse pattern, its audience appeal is diminished by how the show ends.
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